John McCain presenting “bipartisan bill” to allow full citizenship for DACA, and no border wall funding


WASHINGTON- Senator John McCain, who has spent most of the last 6 months gone because of health issues, is coming forward with a bipartisan immigration bill with Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) on Monday. The bill will allow for a pathway to citizenship for DACA recipients- and no funding for the border wall. Instead, the bill aims to fund a “study on the border” to determine where border resources would be best funded.

This is a large break from what President Trump was asking for in his immigration proposal given on Tuesday at his State of the Union address. It’s presumed President Trump will not sign McCain’s bill given that it does not have border wall funding.

“It’s time we end the gridlock so we can quickly move on to completing a long-term budget agreement that provides our men and women in uniform the support they deserve,” Mr. McCain said in a statement Sunday.

This week, Congress must approve yet another government spending bill or the government will shut down again. McCain and others are hoping to pass their amnesty immigration bill along with the spending bill by Friday

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